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    Professional Logo Design Services: A Definitive Guide


    June 21 , 2024 Posted by admin

    Your logo is the core of your brand’s appearance. When you launch your brand, you first expose your logo.


    But before that, you work hard to create the most professional logo design, and you either hire an in-house team or outsource the project.


    However, there are other ideas for creating a logo, such as hiring professional and reliable freelancers or doing a DIY using free or paid online tools if you have graphic design knowledge or know how to use graphic design software. Most businesses opt for an in-house team or hire a third party for a modern logo design project.


    An in-house team can sometimes be expensive and time-consuming due to the lengthy hiring procedure. At the same time, outsourcing can be the most effective solution because all the branding tasks are transferred to a logo design agency.


    Therefore, organizations today find it better to outsource the project to focus on core business tasks.


    Here, you will explore professional logo design services, the types of logos you can design with them, the talented team you deal with, and what is included in their packages.


    Let’s begin!


    Types of Logos you want



    Logos come in varieties, and deciding what fits your business is challenging. This is where professional and custom logo design services help you decide which is best. Let’s explore all the logotypes that Logo Magicians offer.


    1.  Abstract logo: An abstract logo is an icon or symbol designed in a way that viewers won’t understand right away and meant to express something unique about a brand. Most abstract logos feature complex geometric shapes, symmetrical patterns, and line art. Examples are NBC, which has a burst of colors, and Adidas, which has three lines of multiple sizes.


    2. Animated logo: When motion graphics, dynamism, and transition are added to a logo, an animated logo Designing an animated logo is a modern way to expose your brand. It is a live version of static logos. Most of the time, businesses use this logo as a secondary after static and use it in promotion times in apps, websites, physical video billboards, social media channels, and email signatures.


    3. Calligraphy logo: The expressive use of decorative art of handwriting via broad–tipped instruments like markers or brushes in a logo. It focuses on rhythmic thick and thin strokes, flows, and complex embellishments and flourishes to develop remarkable lettering.


    4. Combination logo: It means the mixture of graphics, images, and fonts, or you can say the fusion of wordmark (text) and logomark (icon). Examples are Burger King and Lays, which are big examples.


    5. Emblem logo: A logo that adds elements like graphics, symbols, text, and images into a logo frame or border. Such logos are related to official badges or family crests. Such logos exist in educational sectors, sports sectors, state flags, and major car brands like Porsche.


    6. Illustrative logo: A logo that covers in-depth illustration can be a painting or drawing except lettering. It can be animated but static. Logos are mostly applied in the children’s, pet, car, food, and fitness sectors.


    7. Mascot logo: Mascots are caricatures, which can be people, animals, or inanimate objects, in a mascot logo that represents your brand. These mascots are legible, simple, creative, and unique. They evoke a special feeling and convey the brand’s personality in a mascot form.


    8. Monogram logo: A decorative design in a logo that uses a single or three letters to develop a unique single icon or symbol that can be mixed with imagery. These logos are the representation of persons or business initials. Louis Vuitton and Chanel are the best examples.


    9. Pictorial logo: An icon, symbol, illustration, or even shape composition made from graphics to represent a brand name or its function. Examples include Twitter birds or the twin-tale mermaid from Starbucks and Apple of Apple.


    10. Word Mark logo: A wordmark logo uses a particular typeface or font. The big examples are Google, Sony, FedEx, Loreal, and Vimeo.


    11. 3D logo: When you give a logo dimensions (length, height, thickness, and depth) along with shadows, gradients, highlights, and intricate detail, a 3D logo appears.


    Professional logo design services in Hawaii have a strong command of the type of logo and the industry they belong to.


    If you want to design a logo, you can contact LogoMagicians. We will guide you on which type is ideal for your brand.


    Connect with a Team of talented Designers



    A graphic design company without a certified and talented team is like a human body without a soul— it will stink.


    A professional logo design service always ensure that they hire the most skilled and qualified graphic designers on their teams.


    Therefore, as a top-rated graphic design agency, Logo Magicians has a crew of certified and experienced logo designers. Here is the overview of what skills our logo designers hold:


    Creativity skill

    A creative mindset is a key capability for a professional logo designer. If a designer doesn’t know how to think creatively with eccentricity and edge, he/she will fail to become successful. Our logo designers have an eye for aesthetics, know how to develop an attractive and useful logo for the audience, have undivided attention to detail, and are skilled at visually expressing ideas.


    Tech skills

    Today, tech plays another role in becoming successful designers. Mastery of new design technologies that ease the effort to develop a brilliant logo is now assumed to be a smart approach, as it helps refine logos to a more innovative level that previously wasn’t possible.


    Plenty of software, such as Creative Suite, Photoshop, Adobe Acrobat, Quark, and QuarkXpress, exists in the market. Some are easy to use, while others are a bit complex and require certification to prove command of these tools.


    Therefore, logo designers from reputable graphic design services know how to use those tools.


    Communication skills



    Logo designers convey brand identities through text and visuals. Therefore, it is mandatory to be proficient in interpersonal and communication skills. Whenever a designer works on a logo design project, he/she first understands the brand personality, values, mission, and vision and then comes up with a logo idea.


    Logo Designers need to have brief conversations with business clients, employees, and colleagues, and with strong communication skills, they can ensure smooth contact and avoid misunderstandings.


    Time Management skills



    Expert logo designers work on various projects simultaneously, so they must know how to manage multiple projects simultaneously. Time management skills help them do that.


    Prioritizing tasks and setting timelines are two vital factors in time management skills, and our corporate logo designers know how to do that.


    Structured Logo Design Process

    When you use a professional logo design service in the USA, you must go through a whole process during your logo design project. Here is a glimpse of how we tackle our clients’ logo design projects.


    1. First, our logo designers understand the client’s brand personality once we receive the client’s logo design needs. For that, we had a short session with them and asked questions about brand character. We also expected the client to ask questions regarding the logo design. This is a mandatory session, as we must ensure we both are on the same page from the beginning.


    2. Once done with the QA session, it’s time to implement ideas. Our talented logo designers first brainstorm ideas and turn those ideas into sketch form. These sketches will then be shown to the clients. Once selected, we move forward with the logo design part.


    3. Our business logo designers are experts in the tools and resources needed to design a logo. We verify the fonts, colors, and styles when designing a logo.


    4. Once all is done, we deliver the logo in the needed format (AI, PSD, EPS, JPEG, PNG, PDF) along with copyrights. In case revision occurs, as per the packages, we revise the logos.


    What is included in the packages?

    Every logo design company has different packages based on their expertise and experience. Logo Magicians’ professional logo design services have three affordable packages. Here is the overview of them:


    1. Basic: Logo Magicians allow four logo design ideas, two dedicated designers will work with you, and three revisions are eligible. If you need more than three revisions, 20$ is required for payment.


    2. Professional: Magicians allow eight logo design concepts, and five dedicated designers will work with you. Three revisions are eligible. If you need more revisions, a 30$ amount is required for payment.


    3. Premium: Magicians allow twelve logo design templates, and eight dedicated designers will work with you. Three revisions are eligible. If you need more revisions, a 50$ amount is required for the payment.


    Transmute your brand with our professional logo design services today

    Professional logo design services in Oklahoma



    Logo Magician is a reputable logo design agency in Oklahoma that offers the most professional logo design services in the USA. It serves almost all sectors and builds logos of any type.


    Our graphic designers are creative thinkers who hold knowledge of all logo design principles, along with communication skills, time management skills, and tech skills.


    Call LogoMagicians for affordable and professional logo design services in USA.


    Also Read: The significance of logo design services for your project

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